Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received the letter of the Federation of Saudi Chambers No. (43104595) and dated (1/11/1443 AH), regarding the letter of the Food and Drug General Authority No. (26403/A) and dated (10/29/1443 AH) Regarding Article Five of the Pharmaceutical Facilities and Products Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/108) dated (22/8/1441 AH), and what was stipulated in paragraphs (12,7) of the executive regulations of the aforementioned system, which required the availability of licensing conditions in the event of a transfer of ownership The factory or any other disposal, and any other conditions or circulars issued by the Authority must be fulfilled.
In terms of the authority’s role in ensuring the availability of medicines and achieving drug security, the authority has noticed that the availability of medicines and ensuring their continued supply to the Saudi market through family companies that own pharmaceutical factories or their agencies may be affected due to the instability of some of those companies in certain cases such as (the death of the owner, or CEO), The authority states that it is necessary to submit and inform it upon the death of the owner, CEO or agent of the factory, within a maximum period of (30) days from its date, to ensure the continuity of supplying products to the Saudi market, whether imported or manufactured.
Sincerely yours