Privacy Statement
The user's privacy statement
Asharqia Chamber is committed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to protect the visitors' privacy on its websites. This " Privacy Policy" in "Terms and Conditions of Usage " describes how information compiled by
Asharqia chamber is used, as well as terms and conditions of website usage.
We recommend you to read all these documents carefully before using the website. If you have any query or comments, please e-mail us at<
Generally, You can visit our website without identifying or revealing any personal information.
Asharqia Chamber follows the user according to their domain and browser types, date and time of access and pages. Our servers saves the visitors domains but it does not collect email addresses. Information is only collected to measure the number of visitors on our website and to identify the useful areas for visitors based on the amount of access in those areas. This information is used by
Asharqia Chamber to find a secure future for the user needs.
In some cases; our visitors requests providing personal information. Mostly; this information is used only to respond to some queries.
Asharqia Chamber doesn't provide any information to other organizations about the visitor or his e-mail address.
In some cases,
Asharqia Chamber provides links on some websites not subject to restrictions. However;
Asharqia Chamber does not monitor these websites by third party, and cannot be responsible for the content or privacy practices employed by other sites.
Asharqia Chamber may use cookies on this site. Cookies are small text files sent to and stored in the user's computers. This allows sites such as to recognize users' repeated visits, facilitate their access, and allow the website to compile the data collected to improve the content. These cookies will cause no harm or damage on users' devices or files. If the user doesn't want cookies to be accessible by
Asharqia Chamber, most browsers allow users to prevent or disable the cookies usage.
Correct / modifying the information
Asharqia Chamber allows users to correct or modify information provided previously, or reporting problems with the website, or sending any query or comment through the e-mail address
Kindly inform us if you wish to remove your information from our website.
Asharqia Chamber confirms updating this policy on a regular basis, without prior notice to users.