Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (42103956) dated (10/19/1442), a reference to the letter of the General Authority for Jurisdiction over the Funds of Minors and Their Likes No. (428931) and the date (10/11/1442). What is included is that the authority seeks to provide a distinguished model in the field of monitoring, preserving, managing, and developing the funds of beneficiaries and serving the generous groups included in its system, namely (minors, pregnancy, incompetent persons, those whose heirs are not known, absentees, missing persons) through the slogan (We reach them before they reach us). And to activate what is included in Article Two of the Authority’s system, issued by Royal Decree No. (M/17) dated 13/3/1427, which reads: “The Authority assumes jurisdiction over funds that have no real or legal custodian – except God Almighty – and are exercised from Jurisdictions such as what is entrusted to the guardian, custodian, trustee, agent or overseer, and they have the duties assigned to them - following the provisions of Islamic Sharia and the applicable regulations - and the executive regulations specify the necessary controls for the implementation of this article.” It requires data and documents related to its competence or those covered by this system.
For more information, specialists can communicate and inquire with the Director-General of the Minors’ Funds Investment Department, Mr. Ahmed bin Abdulmohsen Al-Rumaih, on mobile number (0562224949.) and e-mail (Remaih.Ahmed@wilayah.gov.sa).
Sincerely yours