Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received the letter of Al-Baha Chamber No. (220146) and dated (13/3/2022 AD), regarding the supplementary suitor No. (220137) and dated (9/3/2022 AD) Concerning holding an introductory workshop in cooperation with the Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones (Modon) in Al-Baha region on incentives, privileges, and competitive advantages in the industrial cities in Al-Baha and the most important investment opportunities available and the participation of the Industrial Fund to introduce the programs of the Industrial Fund and the financing incentives for industries in Al-Baha.
Therefore, the Al-Baha Chamber from the industrial sector in the Eastern Province hopes to attend this workshop through the Zoom program, which is scheduled to be held on Thursday (24/3/2022 AD) at 11:00 pm, and the workshop contains:
- Presentation of cities for ten minutes.
- Presentation of the Industrial Fund ten minutes.
- an Open time for 20 minutes for interventions and inquiries.
Sincerely yours