and blessings
Asharqia Chamber
presents its best regards and informs you of
the receipt of the letter of the Council of Saudi Chamber No. (2425) dated10/9 / 1438, noting that the Council received the letter
of the Conference and Exhibition of Asia for Energy Efficiency No. (12/1450)
dated28/8/1438, about the organization of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and
Mineral Resources Conference and Exhibition of States Asia
Energy Efficiency for the exchange of experiences, knowledge and information
related to the rationalization and efficiency of energy consumption during the
period from 10 to 13 Safar 1439 - 30 October 2 November 2017, in cooperation
with the International Energy Forum and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry of Japan.
further information, please contact Eng. Muhamed Al Harbi at (0558764667) or
visit Asharqia Chamber website at