Dears\ Members of the Chamber
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (42102224) and the date (01/18/2021), in which the letter of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture is referred to No. (297772/1254/1442) and dated (29/5/1442) Including the reference to the inauguration of His Excellency the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture for the electronic link between the Ministry and the General Authority of Customs through an exchange company, and an indication of the ministry’s requirements for importing animal and plant varieties, the most important of which is a prior import permit from the (Anaam Plus or Hasad) platform to receive consignments from the port of arrival.
According to the Ministry’s request, the Council hopes that those concerned and beneficiaries of the ministry’s services must obtain a prior import permit from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture’s platform (Anaam) for animal consignments, and “Hasad” for plant consignments, or through the ministry’s website, to ensure that consignments are not rejected upon arrival in the Kingdom.
Sincerely Regard