• The arrangements for student acceptance for training in institutions and companies during the summer


    Peace and blessings

              Asharqia Chamber presents its best regards and informs you of  the receipt of the letter of the Minister of Labor and Social Development, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), referring to the letter of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment No. 49958 date 25/10/1438, No. (38/8179/0) date (20/9/1438), referrking to the Royal Order No. (7 / B / 2942) date 1/3/1418, which stipulates the binding arrangements for the acceptance of students for training in institutions and companies during The Ministerial Decision No. (1047/1) date 8/8 / 1429, which includes binding arrangements for the spread of students to training in institutions and companies during the summer period, and the desire of His Excellency to circulate to the private sector establishments to interact and Commitment to the High Order and Ministerial Decision, participation in registration and job opportunities in the Summer Training Program.

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