Gentlemen/ Importers of animals species
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received a letter from the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (KG / 2015) Dated (11/8/1441), and the reference is made to the Ministry of Trade letter No. (19243) Dated (10/24/1441), which includes the reference To the telegram of His Excellency the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. (541578/1291/14) dated (10/19/1441), which indicates the follow-up to the veterinary health situation in the countries of the world, through the OIE website showing the registration of a disease of poverty Equine infectious blood in the Federal Republic of Germany, and the issuance of Decision of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. (541578/1291/14) dated 10/17/1441, which imposes a ban on the importation of animals platoon (horses - donkeys - mules) from the Federal Republic of Germany.
Sincerely Regard