The East Chamber presents its compliments, this is to inform you that we received a letter the General Organization for Social Insurance number (12669) dated (07/08/1435), which referred to the circulars issued by the Royal Decree No. (7907 /م ب) dated (10/11/1429 ) and No.(4325 /م ب) on (06/10/1427) guaranteed by the Royal Decree No. (27945) the date (07/21/1434) certainly to all ministries and government departments and public bodies and institutions and its affiliates and associated state-owned enterprises or that contributewhere and companies to contribute to the implementation of the ruling of paragraph (6) of Article (ninth century) of the social security system issued by Royal Decree No. (م / 33) and the date (03/09/1421 H) the General Organization for Social Insurance follow-up and lifting for anyfailure to implement the contents of that paragraph, and emphasized the circular Ministerial Decree No. (198 048) dated (10/20/1434) directed all government departments, ministries, agencies, institutions and government interests the application of paragraph (6) of Article (ninth century) of the insurance systemsocial, which requires that (the government agencies and institutions, public bodies and state-owned enterprises or contribute and corporations demanding employer who deals with it to submit a certificate issued by the Office of Insurance specialist proves to his establishment registered in the organization, and that has made all its obligations towards it, orit is not subject to the provisions of this order and in the following cases:
• Presentation to collect dues, according to the procedures and rules followed in the collection of the rights of the Department of Zakat and Income.
• Progress in any tender for the implementation of any of the works projects or supply or operating or maintenance.
• applying modified or renovated commercial record or add any statement on it.
• apply the subsidy received from his scheduled state.
• Consider filtering facility or facilities of the employer.
• Progress to the competent authorities for approval to recruit workers from abroad.
• apply for the license for any project or upon renewal of this license.
Accordingly, the foundation hopes of everyone obligation to apply the provisions of paragraph mentioned claim the employer a certificate issued by the General Organization for Social Insurance, which proves that its business is registered in the institution and that it has done all its obligations towards them, and a commitment to your organization to register with the General Organization for Social Insurance.