Asharqia Chamber presents its best regards and informs you
of the receipt of the letter of the General Committee for Food and Drugs (27772 ), date
8/8/1438, referring to the report of the immediate notification issued by the
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) (23396) (29/3/1431)-(28/3/2017),
regarding the infection of the anemia virus which affects the Atlantic salmon
in Faroe Islands in the Danish Kingdom. The decree of the Committee (25234)
date 21/7/1438), of imposing a temporary ban on the importing of frozen
Atlantic salmon from the Faroe Islands of the Danish Kingdom due to anemia of
salmon and
the following temporary ban:
and their products, heat sterilized, with a sterilization temperature of 121
for 3.6 minutes or the equivalent.
products are refrigerated at 90 ° C for 10 minutes or equivalent to pathogen disruption.
fish are mechanically dehydrated at 100 ° C for at least 30 minutes or
equivalent to ensure that the pathogen is disrupted.
and dried fish.
fish fillets.
Fish powder.