Distinguished/ subscribers of the Chamber
Asharqia Chamber presents its best greetings to you, and would like to inform you of the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers (L / L / 1300) dated 29/5/1440, which referred to the letter of the Public Transport Authority No. (11076 - 40 - 001) dated (18/5/1440), which included a reference to paragraph (1 / b) of Article (5) of the regulation regulating the activity of the transport of goods and freight brokers and the leasing of trucks on land roads that is approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Authority No. (39-9-43) dated (15/9/1439)
(2) of the same article, which provided for the appropriate installation in the city in place of the license in accordance with the traffic requirements and the municipal and technical requirements of the transport centers (centers of transport of goods), and paragraph (1) of Article (8), (20) and (27) of the Regulation, which states that "the application for renewal and fulfillment of all its conditions during the period preceding the expiration date of the license (180) days; otherwise the application shall be considered null and void," whereas the said regulation came into force on 1/2 / 1440H.
However, the Authority still responds to requests for issuance and identification of licenses that violate the above requirements.
In order to avoid the rejection of these applications automatically through the "Naql" portal because of failure to meet the requirements of the request as stipulated in the Regulations, the carriers shall comply with all the requirements for obtaining a license to carry out the transport activity of goods listed in the Regulations, including:
The Commercial Register shall be limited to the name of the activity to be exercised.
Obtaining a license from the municipality to complete the renewal procedures, indicating the type of activity to be practiced and consistent with the activity described in the Commercial Register, except for sites subject to other government entities associated with investment contracts, approval must be obtained from the same entity.
The application for renewing the license shall be submitted within (180) days prior to the date of expiry of its validity in order to avoid its cancellation.
The Public Transport Authority hopes that investors and related parties will abide by the provisions of this law to avoid the rejection of applications electronically.