Sirs / the respected
participants of the Chamber
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Asharqia Chamber presents its best
regards and informs you of the receipt of the letter of Saudi Chambers Council (H.g / 3348) date (4.12.1437 e), referred it to
receipt of the letter of the Council and
the Ministry of Trade and Investment No. (62 536) date (11/28/1437), regarding receiving
the ministry a memo from the Saudi embassy in Jakarta on the participation of
the Saudi embassy in Jakarta at the meeting organized by the Ministry of Agriculture
Indonesian day (July 22, 2016 m) in Bali, this meeting has resulted in the need
for registering the accredited
laboratories with the Kingdom in the Indonesian Center for facilitating
technical procedures for the Saudi exports to Indonesia.
a total report on this meeting and the mechanism of the registration of the
names of accredited laboratories in the Kingdom, please visit the chamber site: