Gentlemen/ Memebers of the chamber
Asharqia Chamber extends its best regards to you, and informs you that it has received the letter of the Federation of Saudi Chambers No. (45507306) dated (29/2/1446 AH), which refers to what was stated by the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing on August 29, 2024 AD, regarding the Ministry's intention, in coordination with the Federation, to organize workshops with the private sector to review the requirements of rest houses in their updated version on Monday, September 9, 2024 AD from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the headquarters of the Federation of Saudi Chambers in Riyadh, Al-Rashid Base.
Accordingly, the Federation hopes that those concerned and interested will participate in this workshop. For more information and registration, please visit the following link: (http://go.ac.sa/zpg)