• Announcement of the Holding Company (Turkmenhimiya) for an international tender for the design and construction of a turnkey plant for the production of soda ash



    Asharqia Chamber presents its best greetings to you and would like to inform you of receiving the letter from the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (989) dated 24/4/1440, which referred to the letter of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment No. (18057) dated (22/4/1440) on the announcement of the holding company (Turkmenhimiya) for an international tender for the design and establishment of a (turnkey) plant for the production of soda ash with an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons in the Balkan region of Turkmenistan.

    The Turkmen side invites interested parties and companies to participate in this tender.


     For more information and and to view the details of the tender, please visit the website of Asharqia Chamber of Commerce (www.chamber.org.sa). ​

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