• lifting the temporary ban on the importing of poultry meat, table eggs and their products and equipment from the state of Tennessee in the United States of America.


    ​          Asharqia Chamber presents its regards and informs you of the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. 272 ​​date 22/1/1439 refers to the letter of the General Authority for Food and Drugs No. 2530 / AD date 19/1/1439 ), about the final report of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) No. 24552 date 11/11 / 1438 - 11/8/2017), that the state of Tennessee in the United States of America about the flue in the Decree No. (41548 / Q) dated 27/12/1438 o lift the temporary ban on the importing of poultry meat, table eggs, their products and their equipment from Tennessee, United States of America.

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